In the beginning my initial impression was that she seemed out of place, slightly off balance, perhaps a bit tipsy as she stumbled in her heels up to the microphone. After tugging a bit at her blouse and then adjusting the front so her black lace bra was discreetly hidden beneath the deep cut ruffled lapel she introduced herself. I was so mesmerized by her windblown curly hair that cascaded down her broad shoulders and out onto her minimal breasts I only caught part of her name: Susanne.
She continued, "I want to thank the bookstore for letting me speak to you today about the short story. To illustrate what I plan to talk about I will refer to a number of different stories and offer my comments describing what I see as good and bad about the stories. While I think of myself as a positive thinker..."
Her accent distracted me, the obvious New, Boston accent resonated with her voice reminding me of a purring cat mixed with the sound of fingernails on a chalkboard. I might have been turned off by her speaking if my eyes hadn't focused on the two firm looking points protruding from her breasts. Completely ignoring what she was saying, I let my mind picture what those nipples might look like once freed from the burden of material restraining them.
"...because of these types of writers, who write these too short nonsensical stories...", her voice continued to drone on and on as I pictured my lips slowly circling her huge nipples, my tongue circling, wetting the surface before moving downward. I moved in my seat a bit as I adjusted my erection and then noticed several other people stand up and walk out. I heard them mumbling words like, "hack," and "witless idiot," as they left.
I wanted to focus on what she was saying, hearing her say "...a bit more than eight hundred words..." but then two more people stood up in front of me as someone cried out, "Try reading the stories when you are counting the words you halfwit." They left in a huff, obviously annoyed by what Susanne was saying.